Consistency is key —Issue 32

Hi folks

Welcome to Issue 32 of What Makes Good.

This is a special week. We’ve got a small gift for you, in the shape of a ‘Consistency Calendar’. Keep scrolling to learn what on earth that is and how you can use it.  



[Things we’ve come across that we’ve found inspiring or helpful]

100 tools for an easy life.* READ

[Productivity - 4 mins]

The best logos of the 2020s. READ

[Design - 10 mins]

A group of designers compete to create the worst UI design. Good lols. VIEW


How to fix your short attention span. READ

[Creativity - 4min]

A pediatric doctor who dresses his patients up as superheroes. WATCH

[Misc - 1mins]

*This is my pick of the week. It’s really well laid out and curated. And you’re guaranteed to find something in there that makes your life a lot easier.


[A riff from one of the Goodspace team on life, startups or creativity]

This note to self is from Goodspace head honcho, David Brown. Originally posted on his LinkedIn.


I was having dinner with my daughter last night. 🍜

She’s 13 and in the thick of the school years that tend to feel like drudgery. Like many kids, I assume, she would much rather chat with her friends about skincare or their favourite social media personality than sit through algebra or chemistry class.

I asked her how her day was and in typical teenage fashion she said it was “fine.”

So I changed tact.

I asked her instead “What did you learn today?”

Thankfully, this changed the conversation and at least allowed us to have a more interesting chat over our dinner.

Then a funny thing happened…

She turned it around and asked me “What did you learn today?”

Now that’s interesting.

Did I learn anything new today?

It occurred to me that this would be a great way to evaluate my day. A measure of whether something of value happened or not.

I think I’m going to try to incorporate this question into my end of day reflection routine. (That makes it sound a lot more grand and organised than it is - I guess I mean simply what I think about between when I get in bed and when I drift off to sleep, Ha!)

What about you? What did you learn today?


[A very important department.]


[A rather curious department.]

Below is a note from Esther. Along with a link to download your own calendar :)

Consistency Calendar

If you’ve listened to any productivity advice I’m going to guess the word consistency will have been in there somewhere. Because apparently consistency is where it’s at.

So why’s it so hard??

Even the smallest of intentions can make a huge difference if maintained - or so I’m told.

In a bid to aid consistency, I’ve made a check-off calendar.

Use it to track anything you want help being consistent in. (I recommend printing it in coloured paper).

It isn’t structured in the traditional straight line format. Because consistency rarely feels linear. Sometimes it’s easy and other times it’s hard work.

I think choosing the right thing to record is really important. Too large and you make a rod for your back. Too small and maybe it’s not worth while.

My aim is to make something everyday.

Julia’s aim is to be funny every day.

Jamie’s aim is to do a little dance every day.

David’s aim is to journal every day.

Please share with us what you chose!

Hit the button below to download your very own print version.


From the radically welcoming folks at Goodspace.


Write like a human —Issue 33


What are you trying to be free of? —Issue 31